About Us
#NoRA is a new kind of collective action.
We’re a culture hack. We’re for moving culture into a less violent place by counteracting the influence of NRA money in the American political system. And we’re going to win.
We need you on our side. We need your organization on our side.
We’re part festival, part protest, part art installation. We’re culture-focused, but results-driven, and will inspire new policy. We’re going to plaster the nation with the faces of those who take NRA blood money with posters created by iconic artist Bradley Theodore. We’re going to show up at the NRA convention in Dallas and make them wish they stayed home. We might just sue the pants off the NRA.
And we’re going to lift up and celebrate survivors of gun violence in the process.
We’ve already partnered with local, national, and international organizations. We have hundreds of intersectional activism leaders and social media and cultural influencers ready to jump in. We’re bringing celebrities. We’re supporting survivors. We want you, too. Imagine, a campaign that brings all activists and organizers together in a call to action. A call to hope.
#NoRA will be in Dallas during the NRA convention. But we’ll also be at your dinner table, in your Representative’s office, and all over your social media. We’re no longer going to let the NRA drive the conversation. We’re hacking their car and joy-riding to a better place, for a better life.
We hope you’ll help us take the wheel.