Our Values
#NoRA Dedication
Our action was inspired by the Parkland school shooting covered in some detail below. However, this action is dedicated to, inclusive of, and in support of all victims of gun violence in all communities. This includes direct and indirect victims of gun violence, their families and friends, and their communities as they define them.
To hack the culture and shine a bright light on the bloody hands of the NRA and the politicians they purchase; and to inform, register, and mobilize voters to reject NRA-funded candidates for office; and to raise funds for partner organizations who share our vision for a changed narrative and freedom from fear of gun violence.
Nonviolent Action
We commit ourselves to nonviolent action to build a healthier, safer world as the violence enabled and perpetuated by the NRA, its officials and the elected officials it owns is already more than we can bear.
Our guiding principles are those of inclusion and empowerment. We strive to be an intersectional community of action which hears all voices, uplifts all persons – especially in communities of color, women, the disabled, and survivors of gun violence – and to be a place of safety and nonviolence where all committed to the mission can work together effectively and in a spirit of love and comradery.